Brighton and Hove Psychotherapy

Due to Covid 19 and the present 'lockdown' situation, many therapists are working online, who have not previously worked in this way.  I've collected a few resources and ideas to help.  As I do a lot of EMDR and EMDR supervision it is geared towards that way of working.  Other opinions are available!


Yes, if you are not used to using the online platforms it can take some time to get used to.  Most of us have some experience of it and I predict we will all be experts soon. Some of the ones I use are Zoom, VSee, Skype, Facetime.  WhatsApp is also an option.  You will read lots of opinions about their various degrees of security.  I think it's useful to train yourself up in one, so that you can use it easily.  Zoom, for example, provides a lot of training videos to help.  It also makes it easy to schedule meetings. 

Colin Clerkin (an EMDR therapist and coach) has done a very helpful video on using Zoom:

I tend to offer clients one, but allow them to choose a different platform if they prefer. Sometimes we have had to switch platforms to see if we can get better connectivity. 

If you internet connection is poor, then it's worth considering boosting equipment (mesh systems, etc.)

I have found it helpful to go to phone calls as a back up for the audio.  With a poor video connection you can maintain some visual contact, whilst having the security of the audio from the phone.  This is particularly helpful for EMDR processing where you don't want any interruption in connection. 

Headphones make a big difference - so I am using them and recommending that clients use them too - most people have a set already.  I'm not going to repeat some of the information about working with EMDR - which you can see via the information I mention below, but headphones are needed for listening to 'bilateral tones', which is one of the ways you can do EMDR BLS online.

Therapeutic space:

It is our job to create a safe and containing environment for clients.  If we are working 'in person' then we do this through our therapeutic consulting room.  When we are online, we need to help clients create this space for themselves.  This is challenging - especially at the moment - and may mean getting very creative with family, pets, etc.  it is worth checking who is in the room when your session starts.  People have different ideas of what constitutes 'private space'. 

Headphones make a big difference in terms of creating a 'private space' for therapist and client and they also help with confidentiality - at both ends. 

Some sources of information:

Mark Brayne (EMDR Consultant) has very kindly brought together some resources for online working.  There is also a blog about working online.  Although these are aimed at EMDR therapists, some of it is generally useful for other therapists working online.  Many EMDR therapists have been working online for years, and have some useful experience to share:

EMDR Jiscmail - this is an online group for sharing of ideas - there is lots on there at the moment about online working:

EMDR Association Guidance for Working Online (updated)

Webinars from the EMDR Association:

Online therapist training organisations: